I occasionally change my e-mail address due to spam. Currently, it's

Always check here before you write to me.
It's my intent to use this section to thank and credit everyone that contributes to the website, continually adding new contributors to the top of the list. As you can see very little of the material here is of my own making, so
thanks to all of you for making this a site worth visiting again and again.
Name |
Nick |
Date |
Material |
Dave |
commodoreluv99 |
2010-01 |
Commodoreware |
Charlie Hopke |
charliehopke |
2009-12 |
Commodoreware |
hurminator |
2009-12 |
Commodoreware |
Peter Rittwage |
r.cade |
2009-12 |
Commodoreware |
Rick |
J. Rotten |
1988 |
Multi-Warez |